PersonalizeAF participates in Atrial Signals Conference

ESRs and supervisors attend the conference to show their research and to promote the project

Last 23th-25th of September, some PersonalizeAF members, including Early Stage Researchers and Supervisors, attended the Atrial Signals Conference 2021 in Karlsruhe (Germany)

The conference was  organized by joint forces of the Institute of Biomedical Engineering (IBT) and the Städtisches Klinikum Karlsruhe, two renown institutions in the field of atrial modeling, signal processing, and medical care. Axel Loewe and Olaf Dossel, both supervisors in PersonalizeAF project were organizers in this event.  

Some member of the PersonalizeAF consortium in Karlsruhe
Some member of the PersonalizeAF consortium in Karlsruhe

This events held more than 60 invited talk sessions, given by renowed experts in the field,  including the following topics:

  • The Arrhythmogenic Substrate
  • Atrial Signals – Novel Technologies
  • Is Multimodal Mapping the Key to Success?
  • Depolarization Patterns of AFlut and AFib
  • The Best Mapping Strategy
  • Creating the Best Ablation Lesion
  • The Best Ablation Targets and the Best Ablation Strategy
  • The Future of Diagnosis and Therapy of AFlut and AFib
  • Oral Anti-Coagulation and Pharmacological Therapies
  • Innovative Technologies for the EP lab
  • The P-wave and AFlut / AFib

Together with this talks, the coordinator of the project, María Guillem, from ITACA institute (Universitat Politècnica de València) had the opportunity to present the PersonalizeAF project to the public. As the representant of the whole consortium, she presented the network and the work that has been achieved so far tackling #AtrialFibrillation from a transnational and international perspective. 

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Our ESRs had also the chance to present their work:

-Cristian Barrios, ESR7 in PersonalizeAF network form KIT presented successfully also his work “Influence of Wave-Front and Atrial Tissue properties on Eikonal Model Simulations” 

-Our ESR12, Patricia Martínez, from KIT,presented her poster of the work done so far in #PersonalizeAF project: ” Influence of the Right Atrium for Arrhythmia Vulnerability: Geometry Inference Using a Statistical Shape Model” #MSCA

-Carmen Martínez, ESR2 presented ted her poster “Analyzing the effect of Catheter-Sheath Overlapping status in Local Impedance Simulations”.

-Carlos Fambuena, ESR11 , presented the poster “An evaluation on the clinical outcome prediction of rotor detection in non-invasive phase maps”

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Last but not least, we could see great presentations from more PersonalizeAF members:

-Ursula Ravens from UKLFR presented “Ion channels in cardiac non-myocytes – implications for atrial fibrillation”.

-Andreu M. Climent, presented to present their ECGI cardial mapping #Acorys 

-Ulrich Schotten from Maastricht University,  who is supervisor of ESR5 and ESR14, presented “Remodeling of atrial tissue”, 3D structure of the fibrotic substrat

-Blanca Rodríguez  presented “Computer modeling of the arrhythmogenic substrate”, including Albert Dasì’s work, ESR9 in PersonalizeAF project biatrial population of models 




Without any doubt, it was a great opportunity for some members of the consortium to meet in person after more than a year of getting to know each other online. They were able to share their experiences and knowledge both inside and outside the network.

Follow us in our social media accounts to stay tuned, and contact to if you want to know more about our project!