One of PersonalizeAF objectives to create an innovative multinational, multi-sectoral, multidisciplinary and excellent doctoral training network programme to train 15 ESRs in cardiac genetics, cardiac ion channel mapping, stem cell experimentation, novel drug testing, signal and image processing, computer modelling and patient management, and the first step to achieve this will be to hire these ESRs that will work together during 3 years.
On the other hand, the fact that we cannot meet in person won’t a problem for the consortium plan, since we have already convened our first Supervisory Board of the Network, which will be hold online on July 7. In this meeting we will meet representatives of the beneficiary institutions, partner organizations and the advisory board, and we will discuss the current status of the project.
In the coming months we will be announcing who all these new early stage researchers are, and they will tell you about their journeys in the exciting world of research from their early beginnings until they obtain their PhDs in three years’ time. Let’s get started!