If you count the kilometers by car from my parent’s house to where I am sitting right now, Google Maps says that there are only 1492, but it represents much more.
Back in April, and in the middle of a totally unexpected pandemic, I was turning 26 in the strangest circumstances I could ever imagine. I was in complete lockdown in Zaragoza, the inner city of Spain where I come from, making a birthday cake for my mother, who was turning 60 at the same time (and same strange circumstances for sure). Later that day, I had an interview for a PhD position in KIT which started with three important researchers in the field wishing “Happy Birthday” to me. That was the first signal.
One week later, the opportunity was there: I was invited to join their team and, for instance, to be part of PersonalizeAF Project and this “whole-package experience” that doing the PhD abroad meant. Of course, until the 1st of October there was going to be a very long way of paperwork, burocracies and packing a life in bags. But everything would be worth it.