
In this section, we will be continuously sharing the dissemination actions taken by the PersonalizeAF ESRs, such as journal papers, abstracts and conference paper. 



Conferences and congresses

  • Barrios Espinosa, Cristian Albert; Sánchez, Jorge; Doessel, Olaf; Loewe, Axel. “Diffusion Reaction Eikonal Alternant Model: Towards Fast Simulations of Complex Cardiac Arrhythmias”, Computing in Cardiology, 49, 2022. can be found in this link 
  • Dasí, Albert; Nagel, Claudia; Riebel, LL; Pope, Michael T.B.; Wijesurendra, Rohan S.; Betts, Tim R.; Loewe, Axel; Bueno-Orovio, Alfonso; Rodriguez, Blanca. “In-Silico Trials Guide Optimal Stratification of Atrial Fibrillation Patients to Catheter Ablation vs Pharmacological Medication: The i-STRATIFICATION Study”, Computing in Cardiology, 2023. DOI: 10.22489/cinc.2023.110
  • Dasí, Albert; Nagel, Claudia; Loewe, Axel; Camps, Julia; Bueno-Orovio, Alfonso; Rodriguez, Blanca. “Electrocardiogram Analysis Reveals Ionic Current Dysregulation Relevant for Atrial Fibrillation”, Computing in Cardiology (CinC), 2022. DOI: 10.22489/cinc.2022.083
  • Fambuena-Santos, C., Hernández-Romero,I., Molero, R. , Climent, AM., Guillem. MS. “An evaluation on the clinical outcome prediction of rotor detection in noninvasive phase maps.” 2021, Computing in Cardiology 2021; Vol 48. Can be consulted in this link 
  • Fambuena-Santos, C., Hernández-Romero, C Herrero-Martín, J Reventós-Presmanes, E InversRubio, L. Mont , Climent, AM., Guillem. MS. “Probabilistic Dominant Frequency Estimation in AF from ECGI.” IEEE. 2022 Computing in Cardiology (CINC), Tampere, Finland. Can be consulted in this link 
  • Fitzen, Nikola André; Martínez Díaz, Patricia; Dössel, Olaf; Loewe, Axel.(2023).”Impact of the Right Atrium on Arrhythmia Vulnerability”Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, 9. Can be found in this link
  • Gassa, N., Zemzemi, N., Corrado, C., Coudière, Y. (2021). “Spiral Waves Generation Using an Eikonal-Reaction Cardiac Electrophysiology Model”. In: Ennis, D.B., Perotti, L.E., Wang, V.Y. (eds) Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart. FIMH 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 12738. Can be consulted in this link
  • Gassa, N.,Sacristan, B. ,  Zemzemi, N, Laborde, M., Oliver, J., et al. Benchmark of deep learning algorithms for the automatic screening in electrocardiograms transmitted by implantable cardiac devices”. CINC 2021 – Computing In Cardiology, 2021, Vol 48. Can be consulted in this link.
  • Gassa, Narimane; Kalinin, Vitaly; Zemzemi, Nejib. (2023) “Numerical Investigation of Methods Used In Commercial Clinical Devices for Solving the ECGI Inverse Problem”, 42, Can be consulted using this link.
  • Gassa, Narimane; Zemzemi, Nejib; André, Franck; Coudière, Yves. “Computation of epicardial extracellular potentials using an Eikonal-reaction model: application to a phantom experiment”, Computing in Cardiology, 49, 2022. Can be consulted using this link. 
  • Gassa, Narimane; Boonstra, Machteld; Ondrusova1, Beata; Svehlikova, Jana; Brooks, Dana; Narayan, Akil; Rababah, Ali Salman; van Dam, Peter; MacLeod, Rob; Tate, Jess; Zemzemi, Nejib. (2022) “Effect of Segmentation Uncertainty on the ECGI Inverse Problem Solution and Source Localization” Computing in Cardiology. Can be consulted using this link .
  • Goetz, Christian; Martínez Díaz, Patricia; Sánchez, Jorge; Jadidi, Amir; Eichenlaub, Martin; Dössel, Olaf; Loewe, Axel; “Discrepancy Between LGE-MRI and Electro-Anatomical Mapping for Regional Detection of Pathological Atrial Substrate”, Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, 2023, can be found in link.
  • Hussain Sachal, M. Falanga, C. Fabbri, C. Corsi. (2022). “Regional Segmentation of the Left Atrium: A Preliminary Test in Atrial Fibrillation Patients”. Computing in Cardiology 2022. Can be consulted in this link
  • Hussain Sachal , M. Falanga, A. Dal Monte, C. Tomasi, C. Corsi (2023). “Left Atrial Appendage Contraction Analysis: A Preliminary Test on Atrial Fibrillation Patients”  Computing in Cardiology 2023″ Can be consulted in this link
  • Invers-Rubio, Eric; Hernández-Romero, Ismael; Herrero-Martín, Clara; Díaz-Bustamante, Maite; Prat-González, Roger; Mont, Lluis; Althoff, Till F.; Guillem, Maria S.; Climent, Andreu M. “Non-invasive estimation of the arrhythmogenic substrate in patients undergoing atrial fibrillation ablation”, Computing in Cardiology, 2022. DOI: 10.22489/cinc.2022.196.
  • Kaltenbacher, Wenzel; Lee, Anna; Bolten, Matthias; Loewe, Axel. “Controllability Gramians of the Monodomain Model”, Computing in Cardiology, 2022. Can be found in this link 
  • Lacki,A., Hernández-Romero, Guillem, M. S, Climent, AM,, “ECGI Periodicity Unraveled: A Deep Learning Approach for the Visualization of Periodic Spatiotemporal Patterns in Atrial Fibrillation Patients,” 2021 Computing in Cardiology (CinC), 2021, Vol 48. Can be consulted in this link 
  • Lacki,A., Bosca, D., Martínez-Millana, A. “Probabilistic Inference of Comorbidities from Symptoms in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation: An Ontology-Driven Hybrid Clinical Decision Support System” IEEE. 2022 Computing in Cardiology (CINC), Tampere, Finland. Can be consulted in this link 
  • Marques, Victor G.; Gharaviri, Ali; Pezzuto, Simone; Auricchio, Angelo; Bonizzi, Pietro; Zeemering, Stef; Schotten, Ulrich. “Tracking of Atrial Fibrillation Drivers Based on Propagation Patterns: an In-Silico Study”, Computing in Cardiology (CinC), 2022. DOI: 10.22489/cinc.2022.174
  • Marques, Victor G.; Gharaviri, Ali; Pezzuto, Simone; Auricchio, Angelo; Bonizzi, Pietro; Zeemering, Stef; Schotten, Ulrich. “A Novel Mapping Strategy of Repetitive Patterns in Consecutive Recordings to Localize Atrial Fibrillation Sources: an In-Silico Study”, Computing in Cardiology, 2023. DOI: 10.22489/cinc.2023.095
  • Martínez Antón, Carmen; Unger, Laura Anna; Wakili, Reza; Luik, Armin; Doessel, Olaf. “Towards the Use of Intra-Atrial Electrical Impedance Mapping to Evaluate Fibrotic Lesions in a Chronic Sheep Model”, Computing in Cardiology, 49, 2022. Can be found in this link
  • Martínez Antón, Carmen; Sánchez, Jorge; Heinkele, Andreas; Anna Unger, Laura; Haas, Annika; Schmidt, Kerstin; Luik, Armin; Loewe, Axel; Doessel, Olaf. “Effect of Contact Force on Local Electrical Impedance in Atrial Tissue – an In Silico Evaluation”Computing in Cardiology. Can be found in this link
  • Martínez Antón, Carme; Sánchez, Jorge; Caslli, Nansi; Heinemann, Lena; Unger, Laura Anna; Loewe, Axel; Dössel, Olaf. “In Silico Computation of Electrograms and Local Electrical Impedance to Assess Non-Transmural Fibrosis”, Computing in Cardiology 2023, can be found in this link
  • Martinez Diaz, Patricia; Sánchez, Jorge; Nagel, Claudia; Martinez Perez, Marta; Hernández-Romero, Ismael; de la Salud Guillem Sánchez, Maria; Doessel, Olaf; Loewe, Axel “Personalized Modeling of Atrial Activation and P-waves: a Comparison Between Invasive and Non-Invasive Cardiac Mapping”. Computing in Cardiology 2022. Can be found in this link
  • Marques, VG. , Gharaviri, A., Pezzuto, S. ,Bonizzi, P, Zeemering,S., Schotten, U. “Spatial Relationship Between Atrial Fibrillation Drivers and the Presence of Repetitive Conduction Patterns Using Recurrence Analysis on In-Silico Models”.Computing in Cardiology 2021; Vol 48 – Can be consulted in the following link 
  • Molero. R, C. Fambuena, A. M. Climent and M. S. Guillem. (2021).”Electrocardiographic Imaging in Atrial Fibrillation: Selection of the Optimal Tikhonov-Regularization Parameter” IEEE, Computing in Cardiology, can be found using this link 
  • Özgül, O., Hermans, B.; Van Hunnik, A; Verheule, S; Schotten, U; Bonizzi, P; Zeemering, S, “High Coverage and High-Resolution Mapping of Repetitive Patterns During Atrial Fibrillation,” 2021 Vol 48, Computing in Cardiology (CinC). Can be consulted in this link 
  • Özgül, Ozan; Hermans, Ben; Van Hunnik, Arne; Verheule, Sander; Schotten, Ulrich; Bonizzi, Pietro; Zeemering, Stef. “Computer Simulations of Composite Maps for Detection of Atrial Fibrillation Mechanisms”, Computing in Cardiology (CinC), 2022. DOI: 10.22489/cinc.2022.360
  • Özgül, Ozan; Hermans, Ben; Van Hunnik, Arne; Verheule, Sander; Schotten, Ulrich; Bonizzi, Pietro; Zeemering, Stef. “Incidence of Distinct Repetitive Atrial Activation Patterns as a Metric for Atrial Fibrillation Complexity”, Computing in Cardiology (CinC), 2022. DOI: 10.22489/CinC.2022.394
  • Reventós-Presmanes, J.; Hernández-Romero, I.; Fambuena-Santos, C.; Invers-Rubio, E.; Herrero-Martín, C.; Prat-González, R.; Althoff, T.F.; Mont, L.; Guillem, M.S.; Climent, A.M. “Estimating Conduction Velocity in Patients Undergoing AF Ablation”, Computing in Cardiology, 2022. DOI: 10.22489/cinc.2022.049.
  • Rivolta, Massimo W.; López-Jiménez, F.; Porta-Sánchez, A.; Luik, A.; Costa, G. Da; Sánchez, J.; Gu, A.; Martínez Antón, C.; Atienza, F.; Dössel, O.; Guillem, M.S.; Barrios Espinosa, C.A.; Loewe, A. “Feasibility of predicting conduction block location from body surface potentials using graph-based simulated annealing”, Computing in Cardiology, 2023. DOI: 10.22489/cinc.2023.258.
  • Sánchez, Jorge; Ruales, Karla Arévalo; Macarulla-Rodríguez, María; Barrios Espinosa, Cristian; Loewe, Axel; Guillem, María S “Inflammation-Induced Remodeling and Atrial Arrhythmias in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: In Silico Insight “, Computing in Cardiology, 2023, 10.22489/cinc.2023.292
  • Schiatti, Teresa; Marilu Casini; Thomas Hutschalik; Manuel Koch; Ramona Emig; Rémi Peyronnet; Ursula Ravens.  (2022) Impact of Mechanically-Induced Fibrosis on Atrial Electromechanical Function, Computing in Cardiology. Can be found in this   LINK
  • Skupien, Nils; Barrios Espinosa, Cristian; Dössel, Olaf; Loewe, Axel. (2022). “Refining the Eikonal Model to Reproduce the Influence of Atrial Tissue Geometry on Conduction Velocity”, Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, 8. Can be found in this link
  • Unger L, Schicketanz L, Oesterlein T, Stritt M, Haas A, Martínez Antón C, Schmidt K, Doessel O and Luik A “Local Electrical Impedance Mapping of the Atria: Conclusions on Substrate Properties and Confounding Factors.” Front. Physiol. 12:788885.. LINK
  • Van Montfoort, Margot; Marques, Victor; Ozgul, Ozan; Gharaviri, Ali; Pezzuto, Simone; Auricchio, Angelo; Bonizzi, Pietro; Schotten, Ulrich; Zeemering, Stef. “Fibrosis Reduces the Coincidence of Repetitive Activations Patterns between the Coronary Sinus and Atrial Regions in Simulated Atrial Fibrillation”, Computing in Cardiology (CinC), 2022. DOI: 10.22489/cinc.2022.155

Journal papers

  • Ahmed, Ramadan; Chleilat, Enaam; Martinez-Navarro, Hector; Brennan-McLean, Jaclyn; Copier, Jaël; Caldwell, Jessica; Greiner, Joachim; Martínez Díaz, Patricia; Sobota, Vladimír. “Gordon Research Conference on Cardiac Arrhythmia Mechanisms 2023: early career investigators’ views on emerging concepts and technologies”, The Journal of Physiology, 2023. DOI: 10.1113/jp284666
  • Bidar, E., Zeemering, S., Gilbers, M., Isaacs, A., Verheule, S., Zink, M. D., Maesen, B., Bramer, S., Kawczynski, M., Van Gelder, I. C., Crijns, H. J. G. M., Maessen, J. G., & Schotten, U. (2021). “Clinical and electrophysiological predictors of device-detected new-onset atrial fibrillation during 3 years after cardiac surgery.” 2021. EP Europace, 23(12), 1922-1930. Can be consulted in the following Link 
  • Casini, Marilù; Fambuena, Carlos; Emig, Ramona; Reinal, Ignacio; Hutschalik, Thomas; Koch, Manuel; Peyronnet, Rémi; Ravens, Ursula; Ontoria-Oviedo, Imelda; Climent, Andreu M.; Sepúlveda, Pilar. “Modeling Atrial Fibrillation: Insights into Electrophysiological and Genetic Remodeling using hiPSCDerived Atrial Cardiomyocytes”, Stem Cells Translational Medicine, under revision from 14 March 2024.
  • Dasí, Albert; Roy, A.; Sachetto, R.; Camps, J.; Bueno-Orovio, A.; Rodriguez, B. “In-silico drug trials for precision medicine in atrial fibrillation: From ionic mechanisms to electrocardiogram-based predictions in structurally-healthy human atria”, Frontiers of Physiology, 2022. DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2022.966046
  • Dasí, Albert; Michael T.B. Pope; Rohan S. Wijesurendra; Tim R. Betts; Rafael Sachetto; Alfonso Bueno-Orovio; Blanca Rodriguez. “What determines the optimal pharmacological treatment of atrial fibrillation? Insights from in silico trials in 800 virtual atria”, The Journal of Physiology, Volume 601, Issue 18, 2023. DOI: 10.1113/jp284730
  • Fambuena-Santos C,Hernández-Romero I, Molero R, Atienza F,Climent AM and Guillem MS, (2023) AF driver detection in pulmonary vein area by electropcardiographic imaging: Relation with a favorable outcome of pulmonary vein isolation.Front. Physiol. Sec. Cardiac Electrophysiology 14:1057700. Can be consulted in the following link
  • Greiner J, Schiatti T, Kaltenbacher W, Dente M, Semenjakin A, Kok T, Fiegle DJ, Seidel T, Ravens U, Kohl P, Peyronnet R, Rog-Zielinska EA.(2022) “Consecutive-Day Ventricular and Atrial Cardiomyocyte Isolations from the Same Heart: Shifting the Cost–Benefit Balance of Cardiac Primary Cell Research”. Cells. 11(2):233. Can be consulted in the following link
  • Guo, Yang; Cheng, Delfine; Yu, Ze-Yan; Schiatti, Teresa; Chan, Andrea Y.; Hill, Adam P.; Peyronnet, Rémi; Feneley, Michael P.; Cox, Charles D.; Martinac, Boris. (2023) “Functional coupling between Piezo1 and TRPM4 influences the electrical activity of HL-1 atrial myocytes”, Journal of Physiology. DOI: 10.1113/jp284474.Can be consulted in the following link
  • Hermans, B.J.M.; Özgül, Ozan; Wolf, Michael; Marques, Victor G.; van Hunnik, Arne; Verheule, Sander; Chaldoupi, Sevasti-Maria; Linz, Dominik; El Haddad, Milad; Duytschaever, Mattias; Bonizzi, Pietro; Vernooy, Kevin; Sebastien, Knecht; Zeemering, Stef. “Selecting repetitive focal and rotational activation patterns with the highest probability of being a source of atrial fibrillation”, Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology Plus, Volume 7, 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmccpl.2024.100064
  • Hernández-Romero, Ismael; Rubén, Molero; Carlos, Fambuena-Santos; Clara, Herrero-Martín; Andreu M, Climent; María S, Guillem. (2023) “Electrocardiographic imaging in the atria”, Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 61. Can be consulted in the following  link
  • Hussain Sachal , M. Falanga, A. Chiaravalloti, C. Tomasi, C. Corsi. (2024). “Patient-specific left atrium contraction quantification associated with atrial fibrillation: A region-based approach” Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 249. Can be consulted in the following link 
  • Invers-Rubio, Eric; Hernández-Romero, Ismael; Reventos-Presmanes, Jana; Ferro, Elisenda; Guichard, Jean-Baptiste; Regany-Closa, Mariona; Pellicer-Sendra, Berta; Prat-Gonzalez, Roger; Tolosana, Jose Maria; Porta-Sanchez, Andreu; Arbelo, Elena; Guasch, Eduard; Sitges, Marta; Brugada, Josep; Guillem, Maria S.; Roca-Luque, Ivo; Climent, Andreu M.; Mont, Lluis; Althoff, Till F. (2023)”Regional conduction velocities determined by noninvasive mapping are associated with arrhythmia-free survival after atrial fibrillation ablation”, Heart Rhythm, Can be found in this link
  • Lacki A, Martinez-Millana A. A Comparison of the Impact of Pharmacological Treatments on Cardioversion, Rate Control, and Mortality in Data-Driven Atrial Fibrillation Phenotypes in Critical Care. Bioengineering. 2024; 11(3):199. Can be consulted in the following link
  • Maierhofer, Pascal; Martínez Díaz, Patricia; Houillon, Marie; Dössel, Olaf; Loewe, Axel. “HeartVR – Interactive Software to Plan and Guide Ablation Procedures”, 2023. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1022275
  • Martínez Díaz, Patricia; Sánchez, Jorge; Fitzen, Nikola; Ravens, Ursula; Dössel, Olaf; Loewe, Axel. “The Right Atrium Affects in silico Arrhythmia Vulnerability in Both Atria”, Heart Rhythm, epub ahead, 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.hrthm.2024.01.047
  • Marques, Victor G.; Gharaviri, Ali; Özgül, Ozan; Pezzuto, Simone; Auricchio, Angelo; Bonizzi, Pietro; Zeemering, Stef; Schotten, Ulrich. “A novel sequential endocardial mapping strategy for locating atrial fibrillation sources based on repetitive conduction patterns: An in-silico study”, Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology Plus, Volume 7, 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmccpl.2024.100065
  • Nagel, Claudia; Cristian Barrios Espinosa; Karli Gillette; Matthias A.F. Gsell; Jorge Sanchez; Gernot Plank; Olaf Dossel; Axel Loewe. “Comparison of Propagation Models and Forward Calculation Methods on Cellular, Tissue and Organ Scale Atrial Electrophysiology”. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. Can be found in this link
  • Özgül, Ozan; Hermans, B.J.M.; van Hunnik, Arne; Verheule, Sander; Schotten, Ulrich; Bonizzi, Pietro; Zeemering, Stef. “Highdensity and high coverage composite mapping of repetitive atrial activation patterns”, Computers in Biology and Medicine, Volume 159, 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2023.106920
  • Özgül, Ozan; Hermans, Ben; Van Hunnik, Arne; Verheule, Sander; Schotten, Ulrich; Bonizzi, Pietro; Zeemering, Stef. “Computer Simulations of Composite Maps for Detection of Atrial Fibrillation Mechanisms”, Computing in Cardiology (CinC), 2022. DOI: 10.22489/cinc.2022.360
  • Özgül, Ozan; Maesen, Bart; Schotten, Ulrich; Bonizzi, Pietro; Zeemering, Stef. “State Space Embedding of Atrial Electrograms to Detect Repetitive Conduction Patterns During Atrial Fibrillation”, 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), 2021. DOI: 10.1109/EMBC46164.2021.9630766
  • Riccio, Jennifer, Alejandro Alcaine, Sara Rocher, Laura Martinez-Mateu, Javier Saiz, Eric Invers-Rubio, Maria S. Guillem, Juan Pablo Martínez, Pablo Laguna. (2022). Atrial fbrosis identifcation with unipolar electrogram eigenvalue distribution analysis in
    multi‑electrode arrays. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing. Can be consulted in this link
  • Schotten, Ulrich; Lee, Seungyup; Zeemering, Stef; Waldo, Albert L. “Paradigm shifts in electrophysiological mechanisms of atrial fibrillation”, EP Europace, Volume 23, 2023. DOI: 10.1093/europace/euaa384
  • Unger, Laura Anna; Schicketanz, Leonie; Oesterlein, Tobias; Stritt, Michael; Haas, Annika; Martínez Antón, Carmen; Schmidt, Kerstin; Doessel, Olaf; Luik, Armin. “Local Electrical Impedance Mapping of the Atria: Conclusions on Substrate Properties and Confounding Factors”, Frontiers in Physiology, 12, 2021. Can be consulted in this link 
  • Unger, Laura Anna; Martínez Antón, Carmen; Stritt, Michael; Wakili, Reza; Haas, Annika; Kircher, Michael; Dössel, Olaf; Luik, Armin. “In Silico Study of Local Electrical Impedance Measurements in the Atria – Towards Understanding and Quantifying Dependencies in Human”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 70, 2022. Can be consulted in this link
  • Van Rosmalen, Frank; Maesen, Bart; van Hunnik, Arne; Hermans, Ben J. M.; Bonizzi, Pietro; Bidar, Elham; Nijs, Jan; Maessen, Jos G.; Verheule, Sander; Delhaas, Tammo; Schotten, Ulrich; Zeemering, Stef. “Incidence, prevalence, and trajectories of repetitive conduction patterns in human atrial fibrillation”, EP Europace, Volume 23, 2023. DOI: 10.1093/europace/euaa403
  • Vila, Muhamed; Rivolta, Massimo W.; Barrios Espinosa, Cristian A.; Unger, Laura A.; Luik, Armin; Loewe, Axel; Sassi, Roberto. “Recommender system for ablation lines to treat complex atrial tachycardia”, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 231, 2023. Can be consulted in this link
  • Velden, Rachel M.J. van der; Hereijgers, Maartje J.M.; Arman, Nazia; van Middendorp, Naomi; Franssen, Frits M.E.; Gawalko, Monika; Verhaert, Dominique V.M.; Habibi, Zarina; Vernooy, Kevin; Koltowski, Lukasz; Hendriks, Jeroen M.; Heidbuchel, Hein; Desteghe, Lien; Simons, Sami O.; Linz, Dominik. “Implementation of a screening and management pathway for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in patients with atrial fibrillation”, EP Europace, Volume 25, 2023. DOI: 10.1093/europace/euad193
  • Verhaert, Dominique V. M.; Linz, Dominik; Chaldoupi, Sevasti Maria; Westra, Sjoerd W.; den Uijl, Dennis W.; Philippens, Suzanne; Kerperien, Mijke; Habibi, Zarina; Vorstermans, Bianca; ter Bekke, Rachel M. A.; Beukema, Rypko J.; Evertz, Reinder; Hemels, Martin E. W.; Luermans, Justin G. L. M.; Manusama, Randolph; Lankveld, Theo A. R.; van der Heijden, Claudia A. J.; Bidar, Elham; Hermans, Ben J. M.; Zeemering, Stef; Bijvoet, Geertruida P.; Habets, Jesse; Holtackers, Robert J.; Mihl, Casper; Nijveldt, Robin; van Empel, Vanessa P. M.; Knackstedt, Christian; Simons, Sami O.; Buhre, Wolfgang F. F. A.; Tijssen, Jan G. P.; Isaacs, Aaron; Crijns, Harry J. G. M.; Maesen, Bart; Vernooy, Kevin; Schotten, Ulrich. “A Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study Identifying Predictors for Successful Atrial Fibrillation Ablation in an Integrated Clinical Care and Research Pathway”, Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, Volume 9, 2022. DOI: 10.3389/fcvm.2022.879139
  • Winters, Joris; Isaacs, Aaron; Zeemering, Stef; Kawczynski, Michal; Maesen, Bart; Maessen, Jos; Bidar, Elham; Boukens, Bas; Hermans, Ben; van Hunnik, Arne; Casadei, Barbara; Fabritz, Larissa; Chua, Winnie; Sommerfeld, Laura; Guasch, Eduard; Mont, Luis; Batlle, Montserrat; Hatem, Stephane; Kirchhof, Paulus; Wakili, Reza; Sinner, Mortiz; Stoll, Monica; Goette, Andreas; Verheule, Sander; Schotten, Ulrich. “Heart Failure, Female Sex, and Atrial Fibrillation Are the Main Drivers of Human Atrial Cardiomyopathy: Results From the CATCH ME Consortium”, Journal of the American Heart Association, Volume 12, Issue 22, 2023. DOI: 10.1161/jaha.123.031220
  • Wang, Tiantian; Karel, Joël; Invers-Rubio, Eric; Hernández-Romero, Ismael; Peeters, Ralf; Bonizzi, Pietro; Guillem, Maria S. (2023) “Standardized 2D atrial mapping and its clinical applications”, Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2023.107755. Can be consulted in this link
These publications reflect only the author’s view and that the Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.


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