Getting deeper into the research world

After these first months I am starting to get more responsibilities

Hello everyone! Here I am again in another update on my PhD experience. As you may know from previous posts, so far I have been mostly involve in reading about AF, ECGI and implemented my own rotor detection algorithm. Tasks centered in the most technical and knowledge-related side of research life. However, I have been recently notified that I will be supervising a master thesis in the following  months. The first one. This sets a new challenge in my PhD journey, a challenge I am quite excited about and to be honest, a bit scared of. Another important new I would like to talk about is that I will try to assist to the next Computer in Cardiology congress. For that I will try to use the following 2 weeks to write down the results obtained in the last few months and submit a paper. Let the game begin!

After these first months I am starting to get more responsibilities

After a few months I presented my own master thesis, I find myself figuring out a project for another person. Of course under the supervision of my own supervisor who is the person who has all the ideas and future plans for my research group in her head. The project will be about cardiac simulations. The idea is to start developing our own tools to personalize arrhythmias using clinical information. This will allow us to reproduce the electrical activity of specific patients and may help in understanding better what are the main factors producing the arrhythmia. But what is really interesting for us, is the possibility this technology may open in order to increase our simulation databases. Starting from a realistic set of simulations we should be able to apply slight modifications in order to obtain, for example, 10 simulations out of the same patient. This will be very important in order to train our algorithms for AF identification, and other kinds of arrhythmias. 

Of course this master thesis will be just a first approximation to the personalization of simulations. But still, it will be very interesting to find out what are the main difficulties we find in the process, and how close we can get to reproduce the electrical activity of a patient.

First Congress

Next 12 of September 2021, the congress  “Computer in Cardiology” will take place. This space offers the chance to clinicians, physics, computer scientists and other engineers to present their research in the field. It will be hold in Brno and to participate people need to submit a paper or an abstract before 15th of April. For me, it would be very exciting to get a paper of mine accepted and have the chance to present my work there. Although the schedule is tight and this year there is no assurance of being able to travel to Brno, I think it will be a very nice professional experience. So wish me luck guys, I will leave you with a nice picture of Brno, let’s hope the next picture I post here from this city is made by my own phone.


As always, please do not forget to follow the progress of all the ESR students involved the project by checking all the official sites. See you soon.

Carlos Fambuena