I have spent the first weeks getting acquainted with the topics at hand, and Andreu, my supervisor, has been tremendously helpful. I embrace working with people who are highly motivated and enthusiastic about their work, and this is exactly what I have found. The goal of PersonalizeAF is essentially a revolution of today’s management of atrial fibrillation patients, which, quite frankly, is somewhat intimidating, but a challenge I will happily accept.
My research will focus on the stratification of AF patients into subphenotypes, and evaluate the impact of different therpaies, in order to enable precise treatment recommendations. For the time being, however, my first order of business is introducing my colleagues to the world of artificial intelligence, the explainability of deep neural networks, different types of reasoning, as well as generating usable data from existing databases. Schedules are filled to the brim with meetings, classes, bureaucratic processes, and research activities, but we are making great progress. On the left, you will see a mathematical model of human atria- one of the many things that I will analyze in the next three years. I will be happy to tell you more about this in my next blog post. Stay tuned for an insight into AI, cardiology, and an introduction to my research topic! 🙂