However, it meant I didn’t have much time left to discover the following path of my research project, so after the Summer School had ended, I really started sailing into the world of AF. To give all of you a general overview of my project, I am going to be inspired by some voice notes I am sending to my closest friends to keep them aware of the “weird things” I do as part of my PhD:
My project is part of the Working Package 1, which is related to technologies for characterizing the atrial state. In the heart, regions of scar and different levels of fibrotic tissue have been identified as potential driving regions of arrhythmias. Nowadays, these regions can be characterized by magnetic resonance or echocardiographic imaging among other tools, but it might be also possible to use impedance measurements to quantify atrial fibrosis. This system could also be implemented on intracavitary recordings and help detecting atrial substrate that promotes onset and maintenance of atrial fibrillation and, that way, improving the success of ablation strategies.