New year new challenges...

Fresh start after holidays..

The first month of the year has finished. I was in holidays before so there is not too much to update. Unfortunately I was not able to visit my parents in Colombia. Nonetheless,I had a nice time during Christmas and New Years eve with my girlfriend in the Netherlands We drank some Glühwine and watched a lot of movies. 

The chosen algorithm

In the last post, I had finished the mathematical framework of the model and I was ready to implement it in the computer. The first thing that I did was to implement a prototype in MATLAB. This step helped me a lot to understand the models in a deeper way and compare the different algorithms to solve the Eikonal equation. I performed a few experiments: for example, I created a planar wave on a 3D block and also a radial wave on a 2D model. At the end, I have decided to use the Fast-Iterative Model because it showed more potential for more accurate and faster simulations. Here you can see a nice picture of this comparison in more detail
Comparison between Eikonal solvers

Two models were compared: Fast-Marching Method, Fast-Iterative Method, with the analytical solution. All the models were tested using a 3D block with a single initial stimulus on the upper corner  It seems that when you account for anisotropy both models have similar accuracy. However, the Fast-Iterative method has more potential to be run in parallel. For that reason, I have chosen this method.

OpenCARP's source code

On the other hand, I had already learned how to perform experiments on OpenCARP. However, to incorporate my model on this software, I must go one step ahead. I started learning about the source code related to OpenCARP. This will help a lot to understand how all the code works under the hood. Probably this learning process will take a few weeks, but I have been thinking about supervising a student on a project using my code in MATLAB in that way the model continues its development while I extend the source code of OpenCARP for my model.

My German Exam!!

Finally, I am almost done with the course of electromagnetism that has consumed a lot of my time. Hence, I will be able to spend more time on the project and learning German. I will take an exam for the A1 level of German in two weeks, so I will try to refresh all what I have learned in the last months.

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